Friday Reads
May 20th
Welcome to another Friday Reads. I’m here to tell you about the books I am reading and would like to read this Friday and into the next week.
I am marking the start of the 4th week of the Asianreadathon. The month of May has been busy, so I haven’t read as much as I wanted. The month is not over yet, so hopefully I can check off more books on my reading list.
I am having fun picking out the books to read this month, and getting to know the works of writers that were on my radar, but did not get a chance to read before now.
I am having a good time with the Asian Readathon as well as Asian Heritage Month activities.
So now we’ll get to talking about the books.
Of the books I spoke about last week, one that has kept my attention was Love After Love by Ingrid Persaud.
It is the story about a widow, her teenage son, and the colleague that moves in with them.
The family are Indo-Caribbean who are from Trinidad. I got far enough in the book where the reader sees the son head out on his own to New York City. He doesn’t have any clue of the new life he would have, but he is determined to get away from his mother now that he feels he is now older.
He moves in with relatives and sets out to find work.
Next, the book I am interested in reading is Mango and Peppercorns by Tung Nguyen, Katherine Manning, Lyn Nguyen, and Elisa Ung.
Published in 2021, the book was released in time to commemorate the Fall of Saigon which Tung Nguyen escaped on a boat and spent nine days on the ocean.
Tung Nguyen is a talented chef and the book details how she ended up in Miami and began a new life where a significant portion of her life is spent working at a Vietnamese restaurant.
It is mixture of a food memoir and family story.
Finally, one more book I want to get into. It is A Separation by Katie Kitmura.
I have enjoyed reading her previous novels, so I am interested in finally getting around to this. It is about a young woman going through a time of separation from her husband who has been unfaithful.
It is slim volume, so should be a quick and emotional read.

Friday Reads
May 13
Today, I am doing a Friday Reads. These are the books I have read, am currently reading, and would like to get to this Friday and into the next week.
First is Shatter Me by Teherah Mafi. I went back to read this last week after putting the book down for a few months. So far I am finding it to be an interesting read.
The main character Juliette seems to care too much about the people around her, even those who are clearly her enemies.
She was taken into prison and has lived in a cell for more than 200 days. Her power means that she is lethal to those she touches.
Those in charge in her world would like to use her powers for their ends.
Juliette does not want to be part of their plans and does not be the one to cause harm to people.
I have read more than 100 pages and would like to continue further into the book.
On Sal Mal Lane
Next, I have a book by Ru Freeman, who is a Sri Lankan American author.
The story is about the Herath family who move into a new neighbourhood.
The book is about the family getting to know their new neighbours and in the process the reader gets to learn more about the members of the family.
The novel takes place in Sri Lanka with a map inside that shows the provinces and cities in detailed and elegant way.
I look forward to reading a book by a Sri Lankan author I have read from yet.
This week has been busy with Asian Heritage Month events. I will talk about just one more book, and hope that I will actually have time to read this week.
The last book in this post is:
Love After Love
I borrowed the book from the library two years ago when Ingrid Persaud won the Costa Book Award.
I didn’t end up reading it then. I had to return it to the library before I got around to it.
I was excited to see it at the book store the other day, so I decided at that moment to purchase it.
The story is about an older woman who becomes a widow. She invites a colleague to move in to live with her and her son to help with household expenses.
There are secrets that when uncovered can lead to heart-breaking consequences.
That is all I know about the book. I would like to get to it soon.
Thanks for checking out this site and I will see you next time.

Friday Reads
May 6, 2022
Today, it is time for a Friday Reads. These are the books I have read, am currently reading, and will be reading this Friday and into the next week.
First, I would like to say that I have finished one book this past week. That book is A Visit From The Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan. This is about two main characters Bennie and Sasha. The book opens with the two working for the same record company. Bennie is an executive and Sasha is an assistant. From there, the book moves backwards and forwards in time, and the reader gets to meet the many people whose lives Bennie and Sasha intersect while part of the music and party scene. Ambition leads to greed and excess in lifestyle and drug use. There are predators in the business, and there are ones dedicated to the craft, as well as the sell. They all have their part in the cast of characters that readers meet. The same persons who can be cruel, are also vulnerable and mortal as well. The book is raw and emotional, showing ugliness in human characters and well as beauty and tenderness that music is supposed to be able to capture. I had to debate what rating I would give it, and finally settled at a 4 although it could have been a 3. I had to read all the way to the end for the score to settle in my minds, and I don’t think it is quite settled yet.
I also started The Birthday Girl by Melissa de la Cruz last week as part of my read for the Asianreadathon. The book deals with similar themes as the Qoon Squad, but not as intense or with as many characters. I will see if I will have time to read the rest of the book this week. If follows Ellie who is celebrating her 40th birthday with a glamorous party. She is successful with a career and family, but someone from her past has returned which threatens to upend her current life. At first I thought the book would be a mystery thriller, but it is more of a contemporary drama about a rich woman and how she remade her life the more obscure life she had.
Next, I would like to talk about books I would like to read this week.
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
A dystopian YA fantasy, Juliette is 17 years old and finds herself in prison. She has stayed there for more than 200 days. Her touch is lethal. She was locked up because of the horrible power she has. Then she is let out of prison and the Re-establishment wants something from her.
I started this book a few months ago. I have a long list of books I have started, and it is time to pick this book up again.
The book fits with the Asianreadathon as Tahereh Mafi is an Iranian American author.
Diamond Grill by Fred Wah
Next on my list Diamond Grill by Fred Wah. The book is by a Chinese-Canadian author who has long been on the Canadian literary scene. Only now am I getting around to reading his works. I begin with Diamond Grill which is about a family with a Chinese restaurant in small-town Canada.
This is about the early Chinese workers in Canada who had to establish their own businesses because they were not welcome in white owned and dominated businesses, trades or professions.
It is an important story for me personally as someone with family members who have established and worked in rural restaurants and diners in Canada.
I found this 10th anniversary edition in the used book section of a local independent bookstore and it was first published in 1996.
This is How We Love by Lisa Moore
A new book, This Is How We Love is the latest from the Newfoundland author. I started reading her previous book Alligator in preparation for this new release. The story follows 21-year old Xavier who finds himself attacked while outside during a winter storm. The story weaves in Xavier’s story along with various generations of his family members, and friends.
I generally enjoy books by Newfoundland authors, and this book is on my most anticipated book releases of the year, so I can’t wait to start this week.
Alright. That is it for me this week. I’ll talk to you again next week.

Friday Reads
April 29th
May is a few days away. That means it is Asianreadathon time again. I take part every year, and I wish there was more time to read all the books I want to read.
There are only 5, but they are challenging because three are in Chinese, one is in Japanese, and one in English. One of my goals this year is to improve my reading comprehension in Chinese and I know it will take me more than just one month to do it. I feel the motivation as well as the need to dedicate the time because I really need the ability to read an write in Chinese as someone of Chinese descent, but also for social, academic and professional requirements.
Below is my official TBR for May, but I might have more to throw in as my interest will likely wonder to other books I have the fit the challenges for the readathon this year.
Happy Asian Heritage Month for those in Canada!
Happy Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month for those in the United States!
I only have a few books in Chinese or Japanese, so I am making effort to read them in May for #asianreadathon in May for #asianheritagemonth in Canada and #asianamericanpacificislanderheritagemonth in the United States
1. Tang Dynasty Poems in Mandarin
2. Once Upon a Time in Hong Kong by 馬家輝
– a literary fiction novel in Cantonese
3. Detention
– Novelization of a Taiwanese horror movie
4. 火の路 by 松本清長
– A nonfiction text about a historical village in Japan
5. The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo